Beginners Co-ordinator

Jillian Russell - Beginners Co-ordinator

Jillian has been at the club since the start and has run in many a race over the years. A regular runner, it’s not unusual to bump into her during one of her long runs with her friend Annette or down at the club. 

London Marathon 20121. How long have you been running and when did you join Harpenden Arrows? 

I did not start running until I was in my forties. I signed up for a 5k charity event and Annette coached me. I remember how hard it all seemed back then and vowed never to run any further…I joined Harpenden Arrows in April 2008 with Annette and I have since managed many distances up to Marathon.

2. What’s your typical running schedule?

I try and run 3 times a week with 2 short runs (3-4 miles) and one long run (anything up to 10 miles.) I enjoy coming to club on a Tuesday night if I can make it. 

3. Describe one of your best moments as an Arrow member

There have been many amazing moments as an Arrow, including my first marathon, when the support was fantastic. My second marathon would be my best moment taking over 40 minutes off my PB (I was injured the first time– see question 11).

4. What was the last running related magazine or book you read that inspired you?

I read ‘The Competitive Runners Handbook’ by Bob and Sally Glover. This book helped me through my marathon training.

5. Do you have a pre-race ritual?Family Selfie - Commonwealth Games Glasgow

I do eat the same breakfast – porridge, blueberries and honey. Oh and wear the same socks.

6. What motivates you?

I run to keep fit and enjoy the social side too. When I’m racing I often think of family to inspire me and keep me going. I have a few goals – sub 2 hour half-marathon, sub 1.30 10 miles, sub 4.30 marathon…

7. What is your favourite running route?

I really enjoy my 9 mile route – Crabtree- Common Lane- Plummer’s Lane- Peters Green- Lea Valley and home. This route is scenic and all the hills are in the first half so that helps too.

With running buddies8. What’s your next running target?

I am coming back from injury so have entered Sandy 10, in April, as a target.

9. On a scale of 1 to 10, what kind of runner are you: 1 being “After a run I shower and get on with my life”, and 10 being “After a run I upload my route, add time and distance to my runs database which includes details of the trainers and socks that I wore, weather, state of mind, etc.,....and then I think about a shower”.

I think I would be a 3. I do check my lap times and my distance but don’t download anything. I update Fetch Everyone with my race times so that I can take part in the club league.

10.What’s your favourite piece of kit?

My new Garmin.

11. Finally, what's the most useful running advice you've been given? 

"Listen to your body". Do I? Usually but I recently ran Fred Hughes with an injury and I'm still recovering. "Don't go off too fast". Another bad habit.